It looks unfair. What’s fair in life? Someone who joined a company later and became a General Manager over people who are more qualified? A wonderful wife in her forties with no history of “sinful” teenage years who is now fighting cancer and the professional prostitute walk free? A devoted husband who does not get respect from his wife while a lousy one gets a woman ready to stick it out with him? A lot of things can seem unfair in life but my point is that we should not be distracted nor be discouraged. We are responsible for our own life and we should learn from the Eleventh hour guys to learn what principle they applied that despite the initially gloom outlook to their lives, they ended up with a last minute miracle – and how they also contributed to it! They laid a foundation for the miracle. How?
We lay so much emphasis on sweat and hard work. I don’t discountenance it. I believe in it and I live it but I have seen, known and read that “the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all” (Ecc 9:11)
Three weeks ago, I found my way to a wonderful compact church in Ibadan, Nigeria. When I was preaching I was led to say that “No Pastor, no Bishop has a copyright to miracles”. God still does miracles. He can use men but His specialty is to send it directly. He helps men where and when their strength has failed. When I left the church, it dawned on me more that what makes God who He is that we all have access to Him and no matter when He can do a new thing. It is time to wake up and align with what God wants to do.
I was wondering why we get more concerned about getting miracles, interventions and breakthroughs at the end of the year. Maybe it’s because December is usually a time take stocks and check how far we have gone. Most times, we are sad when expectations for the year are not yet met. The way January to December had dealt with us could have been cruel but as far there is life, there is great hope. When we have life and we are in Christ, we have more hope.
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For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion. (Ecc 9:4)
There was a story that raises the urgency of help at this time of the season in the scripture. In Mathew 20, Jesus talked about an
employer (this could mean God in our own context) who went out early in the morning to recruit people and at every 3 hours was going back to recruit more. There were these set of guys referred to as the “ Eleventh hour” guys who were repeatedly overlooked until the eleventh hour. When all hope was lost, when they never believed they could ever get an opening, when they never believed they could ever get a job (breakthrough, husband, wife, income) again, they were employed. The Icing on the cake was that they were also rewarded with exactly the same amount as the people who resumed in the morning.

Principle number 1 – SHOW UP!
If you or someone do not buy a ticket for you and submit it, you cannot win a lottery. Miracles happen to people who show up. If you read through scriptures, you will see that the foundation of most miracles is a function of just being there. As I write this, I looked at my own personal history in business and ministry. Whatever heaven does usually starts with showing up! Just being there! We have not been told for how long they have been looking for a job before that day but the fact remains that they showed up. Stop writing yourself off and stop celebrating your past failures – Show up! One of the earliest things in life I learnt from Mike Muddork about keeping a consistent quiet and prayer time with God is that the most important ingredient is to show up at the place of prayer. The best time to pray is when you don’t feel like! Have you observed that when you finally decide to kneel or seat and pray, the strength to pray comes on you. You have to show up first! I know it could have been rough this year but miracles thrive on people who keep faith with appointments. The lame man at the beautiful gate and Blind Bartimeaus got their eleventh hour miracle because they did not despise the opportunity to show up and beg. Had they not been there respectively the days Jesus showed up at Jericho and the Apostles showed up at the temple, no testimony would have been recorded. Your husband left you? Stay faithful to your home and children. If you really want him back and maintain fidelity, with God on your side, he will come back. You can read the testimony of a woman on my blog at
Principle number 2- BE WILLING
The proof of desire is pursuit. The prospective employer in our story had come to pick laborers at least four times prior and they were not picked, yet they stayed. They could have gone home. I have seen cases where willingness triumphs over qualification. I have seen where zeal, sheer zeal triumphs over strength and capacity.
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Isa 1:19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
Great things happen to willing people. You must be willing to work and do your own part. Why was Blind Bartimeaus shouting even when the folks around him encouraged him to keep quiet. He knew it was an eleventh hour chance carrying an eleventh hour miracle and was willing to take the chance. You got jilted by a guy, you have to be willing to love and be loved again. Do not turn yourself to a damaged good. Refresh your outlook! Reapply for the post if need be. Apologize if need be. Travel again to make peace if need be. Reduce your terms of reconciliation if need be. The eleventh hour miracle laborers got a breakthrough late but let’s give them credit for waiting till that time.
Isa 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
I pray that as we wait willingly, we will not faint, we will not fail and we will not falter.
Principle number 3 – RESPECT THE DEAL
Mat 20:12 'These men who were hired last worked only one hour,' they said, 'while we put up with a whole day's work in the hot sun---yet you paid them the same as you paid us!' (GNB)
When a man does not respect deals, he will become distracted. You are in for more surprises when the eleventh hour miracle happens. God does not do it in trickles when the eleventh hour intervention comes. He does it in truck loads. I know mine in coming. I just know and I pray yours comes too – completely. The eleventh hour batch was expecting far less of a day’s pay but they got same as people who had been working since morning (January). I have been there before where I felt that I was not been treated well. I felt I deserved more – when compared to others. I have since learnt that it’s an invitation to chaos and discontent when you focus on other people’s blessing and not thanking God for yours. Who says God can’t do more if we would rather spend more time to thank Him than complaining.
I remember a woman who walked into my office some years back and spent a long time complaining about what she does not have and that everything she has is finished. I analyzed what she wore that day, they will readily add up to 500 dollars or more – really expensive stuffs. I gave her a clean sheet of paper to start writing whatever is left. The more she wrote, the more tears came from her eyes. She got the message. You can read more about this on my blog - The God of Eleventh hour uses what you have to give you what you need. Blind Bartimeaus had a mouth to cry for help! The lame man at the beautiful gate had eyes with which he steadfastly looked unto the disciples – you don’t need legs to look. Celebrate whatever God is doing for others and yours too will come.

I have seen first class degree holders struggle to get a decent job in 15 years. I have seen! I have seen 18hours-a-day workers still having nothing to show for it. There is a place for favor from above. The favor that compliments your efforts and guarantees rewards is from God and I believe you need to believe in it to get access to it. Why? Jesus answered, "It isn't right to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs." Mat 15:26(GNB) The Canaanite woman persisted. Faith provokes favor. The story ended well - So Jesus answered her, "You are a woman of great faith! What you want will be done for you." And at that very moment her daughter was healed. Mat 15:28 (GNB)
Please share your thoughts and feedbacks through the comment section on my blog at as we encourage ourselves to show up willingly! Respecting the deal and holding unto God’s favor to make up the rest. In this last hour, Heaven will smile on you, you will laugh last, your pain will cease and it will be well with you in Jesus Name.
May Heaven release favor on your sweat. May God send favor that will multiply your efforts. As the year comes to an end, may the impossible become possible for you. May you find help at the corner you are under the sun. May broken hearts become mended. May weak knees get straightened. May your head not go into the year drooling. May you find help soon – very soon. May you know peace that comes with knowing the Lord through His son Jesus. May your future speak rest. May this year and the coming one bring you peace in Jesus Name. Amen.
Merry Christmas and a Sweet New Year. God bless you.
No. 128– 25th December,2011
I believe God this late hour to help and visit me and I promise to be will ing. Thanks and God bless you
amen and amen. The Lord will help your resolve and visit speedily!
Amen! Good Read! I will share.
Thank you - please do share.
God bless you
Wow Pastor Banji, you've done it again! This was beyond encouraging and very well said. Thank you so much for this, as it is very easy for us to "indirectly accept" that the year is basically over and God probably won't do anything until next year, but in actuality, it's at this eleventh hour that God shows up and does what ONLY He can do, I'm so expectant! Thanks again Pastor Bee!
As you have declared and the fact that you have shown up, heaven will come through for you at this Eleventh hour. Be patient to wait and be strong to believe. May His favour find you!!
Thank you too for dropping the comment!
Well done Sir,
I learnt something very, very, very important and wish it had been earlier but I thank God for this great revelation and that is when you do not feel like praying is the best time to pray. Usually, I would plead with the Holy Spirit to wake me up by 3:00a.m or 4:00a.m and in His faithfulness He would but I would be very tired due to lagos hussle, then I would go back to sleep so I can be up for our morning prayer by 4:30a.m but within me I know I want to have a personal time with Him. May the Lord renew our strengths in this new year which is jut a few hours away in Jesus name. Amen!!!
The Lord Will help us indeed! Greatest prayer for this season. He gives grace to the humble. He will give us! Great Year in Jesus Name.
Happy New Year sir i pray for fresh anointing IJN God has kept me alive i had an op last year and it was just God i spoke to you last year when u told me about the importance of mentorship my prayer point for the year 2012 favour in all i do ,good health and wisdom
compliments of the season to u. my prayer this year is for God to calm every storm in my marriage and help me in the pursuit of career advancement so as to get a good job here in the states where i just relocated to be with my hubby against all odds in Jesus name. amen
I say Amen to your prayers and I also ask that the fresh Unction of Heaven falls on you too this year. You will continue to enjoy mentorship from Godly sources and you will not be led astray in Jesus Name.
I ask that the Lord will step into your marriage afresh and grant peace. I also ask that He gives you the wisdom to manage your temperament and make the right choices in Jesus Name. Amen.
May God Almighty release favor on your sweat Pastor Bee and crown all your effort with favor amen. Happy new Year Pastor
Thank you for the feedback and prayers. Happy New year to you too.
This year will answer to you in Jesus Name.
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