By Evangelist Bee
facebook: evangelistbee
In the first part of these series we asked the basic question of whether some of what people do and call Christianity is correct. In the second part we discussed the red flags that can alert us to check whether we are about to become a victim of a strange and concocted version of Christianity.
In this last part of the series, we will look at why people start or perpetrate things that are not scriptural in the name of Christianity. Why are we vulnerable? What can we do to discourage this trend by looking at the root causes? My desire is that we will read with an open heart that the Holy Spirit can work on.
Rev 2:29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
In the scripture, we saw that a lot of people came to know the Lord because they were in need and they wanted the needs met. There is a measure of desperation in human nature and psyche when they need something – immediately and most times urgently. Blind Bartimeaus cried with all his might because he realized that his chance of getting his sight was sliding away as Jesus was almost getting out of reach. There was a strong sense of urgency about the need for change in his lot and destiny.