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I don’t know where or how this will end. I am starting anyway. The burden I have has been a product of many things and recent events. I have seen a lot of things been exhibited in the name of faith and Christianity. I have asked. I have checked. Are they true? Are they correct? If not, at what point did these acts become “christianised “? For how long will these last? For how long will they thrive? Why are we victims of these doctrines, revelations, “words”, insights and “direct words” that become entrenched in what we now call Christianity.
Some of these acts are simple yet they profoundly affect lives. Some of these “theories”are more complex but its equally directing people’s destiny and dominating their tendencies and beliefs. When queried, no one seems to have an answer why they are doing it? Why are we so gullible? Why are we so naïve? Why do we get trapped until it is too late to correct?