Monday, November 15, 2010


One of the first things I learnt in my walk as a Christian was from Mike Muddork. He said there are two types of people in your life. People who add to you or subtract from you. People who multiply you  or divide you. This sounded like basic elementary arithmetic  but as I began to grow I saw  the depth of this profound truth.  He also emphasized that for you to become what God wants you to be, you need to focus only on and develop the relationships that add and multiply  you and reduce your investment on those who subtract from or divide you.
It was sometimes in the early Nineties, I was a young man who just left College and was trying to figure my path in ministry and service. I started by living with a Senior Uncle (very wonderful and warm man) and his wife (very sacrificial woman) who took us in into an already  full house. I got involved with a revival that God brought into their local church. It was an Anglican church which as at that time had some few pockets of strong resistance to our brand of Pentecostal evangelism. After the crusades and the great renewals of heart that followed, the leadership of the church banished “strangers”  like me who were changing their children from sin to righteousness  in  the church. We prophesied that God will bring a fresh  lease of life into this church as I moved out of the zone to live in another part of town.  It was against this background after about 18 months that this wonderful woman walked into my life! I will never forget the day! How can I? She is Mrs. EBUN KOFOWOROLA AKINYEMI. I will call her EKA (which stands for her initials) from  now.