This is in continuation of the series on the challenge of late marriage, likely causes and how to avoid it. It also seeks to help those who are already in their latter years in navigating the issues arising. If you missed on the earlier part – please check at or just search for “Evangelist Bee Will I Ever Marry Part 1”. Be blessed as you read.
How can I marry a younger man? |
"I like him but he is younger, I cant!"
“how can I marry an older Lady?”
Are you asking me? How can you marry a younger man? Ask me twenty more times! My answer – how can you not? We make so much fuss about nothing until it’s too late. Be practical and reasonable! Stop burying your head in the sand. At Thirty Seven years of age, the chances of getting a single, never married, non-widowed, non–divorced older man to marry is getting smaller! If you find one, he is likely to have a story behind him and will you be ready to deal with it? Most men older than you will likely even marry women who are way younger! Look around you- statistics confirms so.