The casket was being wheeled to the final resting place as I heard the song again in my native tongue –
‘A o pade leti odo, odo didan odo didan na, pelu awon mimo leba odo ...”
This is a song that is very common in funeral services in my native community. I later got the English version from a covenant friend as " Shall We Gather at the River ". It talks about the hope of meeting at the other side of death. When people sing it, very few eyes remain dry! Sing it in any other context and everyone will become sober instantly. A lot of people want to go to Heaven but no one wants to die. I attended the burial of a friend’s Dad and I learnt some very salient lessons which I would like to share. They nudge me. The exhort me. They encourage me. Burials make you see through yourself. They make you ask questions no one else can ask you and get same answers. The things I was reminded at the burial are stated below:
I learnt a long time ago from Steven Covey Original classic,“ 7 principles of highly Effective People” that the best way to set your goals is to put your end in mind. What would you want people to say at your funeral. I have taught it in many of my goal setting classes to singles and adults. If you want to set goals that will drive you for a long time, go to a funeral service with a pen and paper and ask – “ if I was the one in the Casket, who will people say that I am? what will people say that I did? For who will they say I did all I did? “ Whatever answers that comes from the depth of your heart should form the fundamentals of your aspirations and goals !Understanding the end makes the present worth the while.
Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Looks simple but deep. In the last one year I have been to two different hotels – one in Nairobi, Kenya and the other in San Antonio, Texas downtown that are over 80 year old. On the walls of this hotels were young men and women and babies smiling and excited. The San Antonio one even offers free weekend for couples celebrating 50-year wedding anniversaries who had their honeymoon with them. I always spend time savoring the numerous old time pictures on their walls until it dawned me that when the people in most of these pictures were in their prime when my grandfathers were toddlers at best! Where are they now–gone! Gone! Plain gone. You will leave sometimes-Whether by disease, cancer, peaceful sleep or “ handiwork of witches” ( everything now has a diabolical causes including forgetting car keys in the car)The stage will shift. Act Seven Scene 3 will pass! Life is designed to pass. You will leave sometimes and I will leave too.
Php 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
I respect Praying and Fasting – They work! They help! They move the hands of God but it does not fix departure dates. No mortal has the final say as to when and how he or she will leave. For Christians, whether by air or by grave – there is no difference from Heaven’s perspective. Why are we so focused on when? Jesus left at 33 but He dropped something before He left that lasted Centuries. John the Baptist died in His prime! Missionaries who brought the gospel to Africa died in droves but their blood brought more and more people! Face the truth – 100% pass in your annual medicals is no guaranty or else Insurance companies will not have to pay a dime for deaths. You don’t have a final say ! That’s the truth – Live with it!
I respect Praying and Fasting – They work! They help! They move the hands of God but it does not fix departure dates. No mortal has the final say as to when and how he or she will leave. For Christians, whether by air or by grave – there is no difference from Heaven’s perspective. Why are we so focused on when? Jesus left at 33 but He dropped something before He left that lasted Centuries. John the Baptist died in His prime! Missionaries who brought the gospel to Africa died in droves but their blood brought more and more people! Face the truth – 100% pass in your annual medicals is no guaranty or else Insurance companies will not have to pay a dime for deaths. You don’t have a final say ! That’s the truth – Live with it!
Luk 12:19-20 Then I will say to myself, Lucky man! You have all the good things you need for many years. Take life easy, eat, drink, and enjoy yourself !' But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night you will have to give up your life; then who will get all these things you have kept for yourself ? "
Burials are also reality check forums to examine yourself. Once I get the pamphlets, I quickly rush to the biographical and life history sections. I ask questions like, what did he do when he was 20years? How old was He when He got His first degree? Where was He at 40 years–the year that wake people to know that they have passed the halftime! Haaa – life can be so transient and ephemeral.! As I gather these data, I ask hard questions about my own timelines. Where am I ? I also compare these timelines to my mentors’ timelines. A lot of people are heaven focused and earthly useless. Nothing humbles more than this. Even if the check I do gives thumbs up, I also get a quick reality check that I will not be this “fit and fiddle” forever. The system will wind slowly and sometimes it might too late to do anything about anything! Buddy – where are you?
Dan 5:27 weight, you have been weighed on the scales and found to be too light;
A basic fact I observed at least in African burials of adults is that you see a lot of grey hairs. Its expected–one of them just left. This is another reality check. No matter what we do – the grey hair will show. The first time I saw a strand of grey hair in my moustache –I began rebuking the spirit and pulled it out but the next month the seed I sowed brought six freshly brewed fine grey strands. I let go! The mammary glands will sag- give it time despite the cosmetic procedures. That’s why I admonish Singles to preserve theirs for the right owner. I recommend bukyville write up on this at
It was a balanced reading for me from vintage Buky. The knees will go weary. Medicine can only slow age but it wont stop it. Why don’t we rather prepare for it? Plan – recheck retirement plans. Am I maximizing the strength I have now that I can do 3-5miles on the threadmill at a go? The wrinkles will come and at some point even the cosmetic surgeon will refuse to do more procedures – Remember Micheal Jackson’s botched procedures. Attend burials of adults once in a while and as you scan the old faces of the aged present and their slow response – remember like a friend sent to me in a mail recently – “Thanks My Mum is fine. Age is catching up on (her) or will I say has caught up on her. Infact, she makes me think of my old age so much...if Jesus tarries.” This burials make people who still have brains to think.
Deu 32:28-29 For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understanding in them.O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!
Thank God for this fact of life – The chance is now. It never late – never late. I was encouraged recently when I finished a wonderful book titled, “Younger Next Year: A Guide to Living Like 50 Until You're 80 and Beyond by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge”. Even though I was not in the age bracket they recommended it for – It was awesome for me. It confirmed based on data that at whatever age people wake up to the reality of exercises, moderate diet and active life, they can slow down the rot in the descent years and improve their quality of life – it never said they will not die but they will make the best of now till the expiry date.
We still have the chance now to
EXPOSE – secret sins and get help.
RENOUNCE- any association that does not help us to get closer to God.
CHANGE – habits that are destroying any form of decency in our lives.
REPENT – and make peace with God before its late.
FORGIVE- and move on no matter how hurt we are.
RENEW- our commitments because there is Hope
Eph 5:16-17 Make good use of every opportunity you have, because these are evil days. Don't be fools, then, but try to find out what the Lord wants you to do.
Its too obvious. We are more than animals. There are so many things you cannot explain around us. Very deep things. How do you explain visions, dreams, impartation that end up coming to pass exactly spoken! There is life after here.
Heb 9:27 Everyone must die once, and after that be judged by God.
I am halfway through the book of the CNN Chief Medical correspondent - Sanjay Gupta’s CHEATING DEATH – The Doctors and Medical miracles that Are saving Lives Against All Odds. Its making a good reading. I saw advances in Medicine extended life but they are based on conditions that the “almost dying” patient has this procedure at a certain time frame after the medical setback or accident. I believe it still shows that the extension happens because the appointed time has not come. Like I said earlier, none of us have the final say! None!
Joh 14:6 Jesus answered him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me.
Ask Jesus to lead you to him so you do not fear Death again.
As I left this burial of this 74 year old man, I heard the still small voice – Are you ready? When you leave – will it be a good bye or good night – to see on the other side.
Mat 11:15 He that hath ears to hear,let him hear.
No. 111 – 1ST OCTOBER 2010
Click on "Comment" Tab below for your Comments, Responses and Testimonies.
Click on "Comment" Tab below for your Comments, Responses and Testimonies.
Many thanks for that deep and thought provoking piece. Just seeing your blog for the first time. More unction to function.
My dear brother,
Thank U for the though provoking message full of wisdom. I appreciate.
God bless U
Sir, this is interesting. It is good to know that someone is still doing the will of Christ somewhere around the globe. That blows my mind.
Abiola Kujore
I am glad that i am associating with you. The good Lord will bless you and your entire family.
God bless you real good.
Thank you,
"The chance to do something is now." That's it! Thank you very much for this article. Remain blessed
Amen to your prayers and thanks for the info - its updated.
Abiola and amao
Thanks. May His finger keep taking us further.
spot on - the time is now.
Very thought provoking. A comforting thought however is that that whether we live or we die, we belong to God.
I knew there was something about you the first day i met you in your office, you're simply God sent to this generation! This is inspiring and very thoughtful...Keep up the good work!
Nice to see the great piece on your website. God bless u sir.y
Good day Sir
Thx for the write up - Moments of truth.
We always shy away from reality but this is the simple truth
May God help us to bear this in mind as we carry on in our race
Stay blessed Sir
That was inspiring and divinely orchestrated. It’s the first thing I did at work is morning. It’s always a good way to start a Monday morning- being reminded of goal setting.
Waoh. This is an awesome write-up. This is an eye opener and mind blowing compilation. May the good Lord increase you more and more and may you continue to be a blessing to your generation if the Lord tarries
Thanks for sharing. Very encourging especially to the people who are young at heart like you. May God help us fulfil our destiny/purpose, have uncommon focus and be consistent in the things of God.
Big brother, i could feel u, ride on, God is on your side. God bless u sir.
pastor banji, God bless u sir. d prayer points at Hearkrn Unto Me today were all for me. i was d person dt sent u a token, i know its small but dt was all i had then, home and abroad, immediately, my testimony started, first i had a free ride back to the office and by 6pm 2day, all my debts and bills dt hv been giving me tearful and sleepless nites were all paid. i aqppreciate God in ur life and i feel honoured to be able to contact u. God bless u sir. Mrs ogunnaike
I've read this, awehouse and thought provoking! Lord help us! We want to be this and that, and then its all over, then what?
More grace, more uction to function!
I really bless the LORD for your life.GOD BLESS U SIR.Pastor I will invite u for my wedding when d time comes.
Very nice!
A perfect medium for you to regurgitate and put down your thoughts and life connections.
Pastor B, these are so powerful. Thank you!
Thank God for His faithfulness in your lives and the fact that this principles about what Death teaches is impactful.
Olabisi - it will happen and soon and will be there at your wedding as the Lord liveth.
Evangelist Bee
Bro Banji
Checked it out. This is very interesting. Keep it coming and the Lord will continue to bless you as you bless others. Now is the time to be extremely vigilant. Let him that thinks he stands,check himself lest he falls. For we know not the day or the hour. For a while now, my question to myself has been WHAT WILL MY LEGACY BE?
God bless.
This post is a reality check! If this doesnt wake you up then nothing will.
May God continue to teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.—
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Thank you sir for this post.
Bro Banji,
Thanks for linking me up to ur blog. The write up calls for deep internal reflections, most especially when we are rejoicing at our different birthday anniversary (which is usually another bus stop close to our grave). May the good God strenghten u the more.
Adedeji Ige
I was greatly blesssed by your message at Christ church 16th anniversay today.
My hubby and I were richly blessed by the message you preached at the 16th Anniversary of our Church -Christ Church on Sunday 17th October,2010. God proved Himself true to His words. Before the end of that day, three of my many prayer requests were answered miraculously. I give God all the Glory. God is using you mightily in your ministry. I pray that His light would continually shine upon you, your family and ministry.
God Bless you Sir.
RZ seem not to so much matter to the heavens where on earth we end the race; be it in the air or in the grave, by a disease or through a peaceful sleep - so far we have gained heaven and heaven has gained us. I will see you there. Afterall all, to some, Jesus ended it up on the tree. Would any of us have desired taht kind of death after all the little we have done for God? Jesus is waiting to share the new wine with us. Thanks for the post. It has rejuvenated a life.
Bro Banji, thank you for what you are doing through this blogsite and for the reminder in this message. Your points are very instructive. It's amazing how easy it is to loose focus of the big picture in the maze of activities. I pray that God will give us the grace to truly walk circumspectly, redeeming the time.
Your life has been a big inspiration and I pray that God will increase your ministry and give you more opportunities to impact your generation.
Remain blessed.
Thank God for refreshing. I pray for continual focus all the way.
Amen to your prayers for continual relevance. God bless.
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